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Objet30 Resin Printer Reservation
30 minutes
1 hour
1 hour 30 minutes
2 hours
2 hours 30 minutes
3 hours
3 hours 30 minutes
4 hours
4 hours 30 minutes
5 hours
5 hours 30 minutes
6 hours
6 hours 30 minutes
7 hours
7 hours 30 minutes
8 hours
8 hours 30 minutes
9 hours
9 hours 30 minutes
10 hours
10 hours 30 minutes
11 hours
11 hours 30 minutes
12 hours
This page is to reserve time for using the Objet30 Resin 3D Printer. You must first have completing the Safety Orientation and the Objet30 training before reserving this machine.
Overlay your availability
Time zone
UTC (10:46 PM)